Stuff to pimp your Windows Home Server

Hacking Windows Home Server is a blog dedicated to Microsoft's WHS technology. Brought to you by Donavon West, Microsoft MVP and author of and I'll also discuss the Hewlett-Packard HP MediaSmart Server EX470, EX475, EX485, EX487, the T7-HSA Tranquil Harmony Home Server and any other new Home Server hardware platforms that arise. You can also call this hacking or hackz. In any case I will show you some cool things to make your Microsoft Windows Home Server even sweeter.

A blog devoted to getting the most out of your
Windows Home Server by Microsoft MVP Donavon West.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Upgrade the Memory in your HP EX470 or EX475

Patriot 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) Desktop Memory

The HP EX470/475 MediaSmart Server is a great little box. But if you're a power user and plan on adding any applications and/or services to your machine, the factory installed 512 MB of RAM just won't cut it. HP claims that the RAM is not upgradable, but that just isn't so. The HP EX470/475 contains a single 512 MB stick of PC2 - 5300 667MHz memory.

I recently upgraded my machine by replacing the 512 MB memory with the single 2GB module. I spent about $43 after rebate for this Patriot 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) that I bought from NewEgg. But if money is an issue, you can opt for 1GB of RAM for around $22.

*** NOTE *** Prices have come down a bit since I wrote this article. The Patriot 2GB memory is now just $18 and the G.SKILL 2GB module (which is what I'm now recommending) goes for just $22.

*** ALSO *** Upgrading the memory in the HP MediaSmart Server now does NOT void your warranty. This in a statement from HP:

"Based on customer feedback HP is now allowing owners of MediaSmart Server’s to upgrade the memory without voiding the warranty after research showed that some customers were installing multiple add-ins and/or additional software, which could lead to a need for additional memory."

Before you begin, I must warn you that this upgrade is not for the faint of heart. You are literally going to remove every component of the machine just to get to the memory. Doing so *may* void your warranty so proceed at your own risk. I am not responsible anything that may happen to your precious little Home Server.

Step by Step Instructions

Still with me? Good. Let's begin (click on an image to enlarge):

image Some have reported (read the comments) that they have come close to stripping the 2 small screws discussed in step 10. Before you begin, do yourself a favor and run out and get a #00 Phillips head screwdriver. I paid $2.49 for this one at my local hardware store.
  1. Power down the unit and find a nice flat, clean work surface. Give yourself enough room where you can lay out the parts as you remove them. (You'll thank me when is's time to put it all back together.)
  2. Open the front panel door.
  3. Unlock the system drive using a penny. IMG_3079
  4. Remove all of the drives. IMG_3080 Be sure to note the order in which you remove them as you will need to replace them *exactly* in the same slots as you removed them. Bad things will happen if you mix them up. image The idiot-proof method is to remove them from the bottom to the top, creating a stack as you go. They will be in the same position as the slots where they should go back.
  5. Remove the top by sliding the silver plate forward. This might take a little effort and you will need two hands, one to pull the plate forward, the other to hold the case still. It will seem to unlock or pop out after sliding forward about 1 cm and then it is easily removable. Put top aside. IMG_3084
  6. Remove the 2 fan cables from the drive back plane. Keep track of which cable goes into which port. I use a black Sharpie to mark one of the cables and it's corresponding port, along the edge of the back plane. I went overkill and marked the second cable and it's port in a second color (red). When it comes time to back this sucker back together, it will be a simple game of color matching. image
  7. Remove the cable that controls the drive LEDs. I found it comes out easily with gently rocking it side to side. image
  8. Turn the two blue plastic levers a quarter turn. image
  9. Stick your hand inside of the drive bay and lift up the drive back plane, removing it from the motherboard. Simply stick your fingers into a couple of the holes, pushing up, and use your other hand to pull up and out. Put back plane aside. image
  10. Using a small #00 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the 2 black screws on the right side of the front grate. Put screws aside. image The front grate will probably spring open a little as soon as you remove second screw. image
  11. Gently pull out the front grate and you'll see it is tethered by one cable (the front IO LED board cable). Unplug this cable and put front grate aside. image
  12. Use a small Phillips head screwdriver to remove the 2 silver screws that hold the motherboard in place. image
  13. Remove the motherboard by sliding it forward. If you encounter some resistance, jiggle gently from side to side as you pull. I had a little trouble initially and found it helpful to push from the right side while pulling. image Put the case aside and place your motherboard on your work surface. image
  14. Replace the existing memory with your new stick. Be sure that it is well seated. It's probably a good idea to hang on to the old memory. If you even have to return the unit for service, you may want to replace the original equipment. image
  15. Put your machine back together by reversing steps 13 - 1. Remember, when you get to step 4, put your hard drives back in in reverse order - the top drive in the stack goes into the top slot and so on to the bottom slot.
  16. Open up the Windows Home Server Console by double clicking on the tray icon. After you log in, click Settings, the Resources. If all went as planned, it should report 1.97GB of RAM as shown here. Window Home Server with 2GB RAM
  17. You should also change you Virtual Memory page file size. Read here for instructions.

I'd like to thank my fiancee and hand model Alyssa for her help with this article.

Next Steps

Now that you've upgraded your RAM, why not go "whole hog" and upgrade the processor! Read about how you can get a 40% increase in processor speed for around $50. A detailed step-by-step guide can be found here.

Fin. Why not comment on what you've just read or even Digg It!

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ny888 said...

Thank you for posting this with pictures ! I will be doing this over the weekend.

Daniel & Dominique said...


Great article! I've actually started this once before, but once I tried to install my memory, I found out it would not fit in the slot. Is there any way to figure out exactly which memory card to buy, especially if you want ECC memory?


Donavon West said...

Any 240 pin DDR2 667 MHz (PC2 5300) memory should work just fine. I'm not sure the EX470/475 supports ECC memory however. You may want to look at the specs of the RAM listed in the article (from Newegg) and compare it with other memory.

Daniel & Dominique said...

Hi Donavon,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to guess that ECC Ram has a slightly different Pin Out, because my 240 pin Ram Card did not match up with the HP slot.


Dan said...

Good post. I had a quick question about changing the page file after the ram upgrade. Currently the system default is set for a min of 720 and a max of 1440. What did you change yours to after the 2GB upgrade?

Donavon West said...

@Dan, good catch. Read here for my current page files settings.

Unknown said...

Very, very nice site, Donovan.

Question: I just bought the EX470. And like you, I want to squeeze out of it all I can. I'm very tempted to go ahead and add the 2GB memory, following your steps. I know that more memory will definitely help (more memory always helps). What kind of performance improvements have you seen since adding yours? Maybe others who have added memory can also post. Thanks!

Donavon West said...

@Mark, Microsoft scaled the core WHS to fit nicely within 512MB, but HP added several of it's own apps. The EX470 footprint as shipped takes close to 700MB, so even if you don't add any apps of our own, the virtual memory already thrashes the drives.

I definately recommend the 2GB upgrade!

Unknown said...

Donovan: thanks for that explanation! I'll order the 2 GB memory stick and then I'll follow your steps to add it. Memory is quite reasonably priced right now, so I'll do it over the holiday break.

Joe Papariello said...

I'm ordering mine as we speak. I added whilst and have the beginnings of a web page up. Its really super slow to load (and its pretty simple). Will this increase that speed as well?

Donavon West said...

@joe, Probably not a whole lot. WHS websites are pushing bits through your home cable/dsl connection and are limited to the upload speed, which is usually pretty slow. Most basic cable modem upload speeds are only 384kbps. You can check your broadband speed at

Patrick Glancy said...

Where did you get your "small jeweler's Phillips head screw driver"...I have a really small one, but it must not have been right. Those babies are in there TIGHT! I think I may have rounded mine.

Were yours really tough to get out? the site.


Patrick Glancy said...

Where did you get the "small jeweler's Phillips head screw driver" for removing the front gate. I thought I had a small enough one, but I think I'm close to rounding the screww off. Those babys are in there tight!
Were yours really locked in there?

Love the site....Thanks

Anonymous said...

The link for the memory didn't work for me - and I want to be sure to get EXACTLY the piece that's right. Can you re-port a link with 1 or 2 alternatives so ensure I get it right?

Donavon West said...

@Douglas, click either memory link on the sidebar (to the right hand side of the web page under the "NewEgg" logo). Either of these will work just fine. I also checks the link in the article text and it seems to work too. Weird.

Donavon West said...

@Patrick - Thanks! Yes, mine were really tight too. Don't tell anyone (shhh) but I used a very small straight screwdriver because all of my Phillips were too big. Even then I couldn't get enough torque so I use vice grips to turn the small screwdriver while applying a lot of downward force as to not strip the screw heads.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Donavon. Excellent Site. I'm really glad there's more than a repository for WHS white papers and Add-ins. The picture-filled tutorials (especially this one) are a real treat. Keep it up - and can't wait to see what you write about next!

Mut Mut said...

WHS is so much more responsive with the 2GB upgrade. should have done this upgrade a long time ago.


fairorth said...

Help! I stripped the TINY screw from the bottom grill, its totally rounded. Does anyone have any suggestion to me how to remove it or where I might be able to turn?

Nothing ever works for me ...

Mut Mut said...

Hello Marc,

the same thng happen to me when i upgrade the RAM. I used a phillips screw driver that is a little bigger (but sharp enough to be able to grab from whatever is left from the screw-head) and put really hard to unscrew. If you do it slowly, it will take around 5 minutes but the screw will come out...

just remember, sharp screw driver and unscrew slowly.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This thing sure is peppy now! Great instructions. I'm not a mechanical guy, but thanks to these great instructions and pix, I finished the whole process in 15 minutes - including the stripped screw head I had to drill the head off of. I had the right jewelers screwdrivers, but I honestly believe HP may have overtightened the inferior quality screw heads.

No bother. This thing is snappy as heck now - especially running Diskeeper for WHS. Nice work, Donavon!

Donavon West said...

@marc, Try a smaller straight screw driver. The two sharp edged may grip into the rounded cavity. Also apply a LOT of pressure and use the aid of a vice grip to get some torque.

For the record, the actual phillips head screwdriver needed is a #00.

fairorth said...

Thanks AC and Donavon -- I'll give that a try. I seem to have bad luck anytime I have a screwdriver in my hand ... hopefully I'll get lucky. HP really messed up with these tiny screws here, its ridiculous how easy it was to strip it round.


Unknown said...

One of the best instructions I've ever had. As an engineer I wished all the step-by-step were as clear and concise. Finished in 20 minutes. Thank you so much!

Donavon West said...

@Igor, I wish I could take all of the credit, but my lovely girlfriend/hand model was the one who insisted that you can't have too many illustrations. Her background is in science and has written many papers, so it just comes naturally for her.

LRA3 said...

Donavon, Thanks (Alyssa) for the concise instructions. Had I looked at the pictures more closely I wouldn't have extracted the wrong screws for the motherboard but after a couple of minutes realized the err of my ways. The screws on my machine were not tight at all. My only trouble was putting the front grate back on - there was a lot of resistance from the power cable but I made sure that it and the other cables went where they were supposed. Now to get things up and running. That's tomorrow night. Thanks again.

Dan said...


Try using a small pair of wire cutters the bite down on the head of the screw...I had the same exact thing happen to me.

Fricken HP, they'll even resort to cheap screws to try and stop you from modding!


johncz said...

Not that you'd likely need it but Micron makes 1x4GB PC2 5300 Module (MT16HTF51264AY-667A1). I've seen go for as little as $99.

Ekarisor said...

4G... Would the server see the 4gig or only 3.5? is the WHS running with a 64bits OS or a 32 bits?



Ekarisor said...

One more question, can someone who already owns a WHS tell me if the power supply is compatible with 220 V supply?
I am about to move to Europe from the US. It is way cheaper for me to buy it over her e in the US than overthere. Let me know if all I need is a plug adapter or new power cord.



johncz said...

Ekarisor, WHS is based on the 32-bit version of Windows Server 2003. There had been some suggestions that WHS v2 will be 64-bit only. We'll see.

The power supply is rated

Ekarisor said...

Thank you very much for the super fast reply. So until 64bit OS, 4 gig is not so much necessary.

Schepa said...

Is it MediaSmart Server EX470 DLNA-compliant products? Certified digital media server (DMS)? Because I have DLNA Certified TV certified as a digital media player (DMP), and I want use the DMP capabilities of my TV to find the movies on NAS, and then play them on the TV. Can I use MediaSmart Server EX470 for that?

Dan said...

Thank you for your excellent instructions!! In anticipation of buying a HP Home Server I purchased the recommended memory and a couple extra hard drives. Everything came today. Before turning the machine on I installed everything per your instructions. Not a single problem.

Sai Kodi said...

That was very helpful. Excellent detail!

hakr said...

Guys...I like the server software, but I think I can build better than what HP is offering at about the same price.

Am I correct in assuming all I really need is a decent motherboard, a fairly ordinary processor, about a gig of RAM, 500 gig hard drive, et cetera? The motherboard I am looking at has built in video, but that isn't really needed, either, right?

So, if I but the software, what am I missing by not doing this with an HP EX470? I don't really need the itunes server.

Comments, suggestions?


Unknown said...

Thank you. Great instructions guys. I couldn't remove the motherboard and I ended up removing the poser supply under it (only 2 screws). It came way eaiser. Just in case you have the same issue

Donavon West said...

@hakr: You are correct. Any half powered processor/motherboard and some old hard drives hat you have hanging around will do. Just order the Windows Home Server OEM DVD ($159 from Newegg) and you have yourself a DIY WHS.

Also, you can add the iTunes server yourself. It simply a free install of the Firefly Media Server project, previously known as "mt-daapd".

hakr said...

Thanks. Actually, I bought an HP MediaSmart Server yesterday with one 500-gig drive and just shoved another 500-gig drive in the case.

I read with interest your souping up your server with the larger RAM strip, but I didn't find any data on the effects. What did you gain by upgrading the memory?

Ekarisor said...

I see hakr point. Instead of throwing away an old computer or giving it to someone, it may worth turning it into a WHS. What worries me about doing this on my own is how complicated WHS is to install and setup? When you buy the hp server everything has been done for you and you get some support.

Unknown said...

Outstanding article. The links to newegg and photos are great and extremely helpful. The extra cautions and warnings helped make this an easy and successful upgrade. Thank you!!

Patrick Glancy said...

For the record...those tiny screws that I rounded off? I ended up having to get a Drimel tool and basically grind the tops off them. Sounds worse than it was; the small head grinder didnt leave a scratch and it was a damn fine excuse to buy a Drimel. Right now I have a patch of double sided tape holding the door closed. HP doesn't have the screw kit listed on the parts site yet, I am thinking it will be a little while since these are still in heavy production. I'll post details when they become availible. The upgrade worked great! Thx again Donavon.

aaronwt said...

This upgrade worked perfectly. It only took me around 25 minutes to complete.
Thanks for the instructions. They were very easy to follow.

Unknown said...

Awesome! The memory upgrade makes such a huge difference in performance! Thanks much for the instructions.

Craig said...

Great set of instructions. Went exactly as described. Used the GSkill 2gb with an adjustment to the page file size and saw a increase in performance right away! Thanks for the informative site!

John said...

My only issue came when putting the grate back on. I was not happy with it, and the 'LOCK' won't engage properly. Fortunately I don't believe this to be a major issue..

Stephanie said...

I have trouble with the screws and wrecked them. Does anyone know the size of screw to get to replace them? (I assume that they are some kind of standard, though very small, machine screw)

Unknown said...

Hello ... I don't suppose someone knows the model number of them motherboard ? Or the specs on the board ?

Unknown said...

Thank you I wanted to upgrade the ram and was unsure how. I followed your instructions and used the ram brand that you recommended. WOW what a difference. I am running the default apps as well a couple of add-ins. On top of that I was able to install ColdFusion. Installing the ram upgrade has made the add-in apps way more responsive. More importantly, ColdFusion and the application I created on ColdFusion is running excellent now.

brinebold said...

Its worth noting that in the US unless HP is able to *prove* (by court-of-law standards) that you damaged the machine by using the aftermarket stick of RAM then they cannot void your warranty unless they would provide a comparable authorized part to you free-of-cost.

As long as you are capable of disassembling and reassembling the server then your warranty will still be valid although any damages they can attribute to improper removal/replacement of the parts is fair came to void it.

To be perfectly honest, even if they did believe you damaged it, I don't believe they would fight someone who was serious about going to court since completely replacing the thing costs them less than paying their lawyers to file for the first dismissal motion. I would predict a settlement being offered if they think you're crazy enough to go to court but it'd also cost you more time to prepare a case than the thing is worth too.

You can view the Magunson-Moss Warranty Act for reference.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this very concise totorial. Bought the Patriot 2GB stick mentioned, and the work took all of 20 minutes (I git distracted by a phone call) and I'm up and running at 2GB.

Thanks again!


Unknown said...

What about the 2 screws at the rear of the MB? The one on the back left is particularly difficult to reach due to the fanns and the length of Phillips required to reach it! Any hints? Mine is a 01/11/08 build.

Unknown said...

Diregard my last comment, as mentioned earlier remove the 2 screws holding the PS in place and the MB & PS come out as one! Thanks guys!

jbedoya said...

What would be better To use on this server/board with the factory processor, the
- G.SKILL 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) Desktop Memory, which is Cas Latency 4 (CL4)

or the

- Patriot 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) Desktop Memory, which is Cas Latency 5 (CL5)

Eric said...

Please Help. I did the step by step guide which is perfect in every way. However when I went to pull the Mother Board it would not budge at all. Yes I did take the two silver screws out. But it still wouldn't move at all. Would HP have added a screw somewhere? When I look down by the USB ports I see another screw that looks like it might be holding the MOBO. Do any of you have that same screw by the USB ports? Please help. My thanks in advance.

Donavon West said...

@emar - make sure you are removing the two screws pointed to by the red arrows in step #12. These are NOT the 2 screws that hold the motherboard to the power supply. Also note that you will be removing the power supply AND the motherboard together.

Unknown said...

HELP...I followed the guide step by step and all went fine (purchased Patriot memory) but upon rebooting all the drive lights are red and health LED flashes red at the bottom.

using paperclip to hit button hidden on bezel 2 blue and 2 red flashes is memory failure.

what gives? Why would the Newegg memory not work in my system?

Donavon West said...

@john - I used Patriot memory in my HP EX470 upgrade (as have many others here on the blog) and its been working fine. I'd try reseating the RAM first before returning the memory to NewEgg. They have a fairly liberal return/exchange policy so getting a replacement should not be a problem. Good luck!

Scott said...


This article was great. I have run into a problem though (two really). The first is after putting the system back together, it is reporting that it is running critically hot and the fans are running slow. When I looked at the status, everything looked just fine (even after letting it run for hours) - any idea why or what I can do to correct this?

The second and maybe linked issue is that when I was putting the MoBo back inside, I heard something pop loose. I looked around and even shook it to see if I could hear anything and didn't. Now, the PSU fan is REALLY LOUD so I'm thinking that was the noise. I have a new fan coming and will replace that.

Could the issue be that one fan (even though the system reports all fans have an issue)?


Darren said...

Just like John, I am experiencing the same thing with the Patriot 2Gig stick. All drives are red and the health LED is also flashing red. A friend said it took his machine 10 or more minutes to go all blue but it has been more than 10 minutes and still same state. I got my memory at newegg as well.

Enrique Garibay said...

Hi Donavon, great post, I just did an upgrade to my HP EX470, with the G.SKILL 2GB. Once I put everything back together and booted it up, I get this weird error on the HomeServer.

Input string was not in a correct format.
Message:Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt64(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at HPConfiguration.IniFile.GetLong(String key, Int64 defaultVal)
at MediaSmartUpdate.MediaSmartUpdater.GetIniConfig()
at MediaSmartUpdate.MediaSmartUpdater.GetSettingsValues()


As well, as other "warnings". for example:

Source: HPDiskMon
Description: Webshare user report failed: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.


I was carefull in putting everything they way it was, but I must of done something wrong...Any ideas on where I can start?

Let me know when you can.



Unknown said...

Does anybody know what size (length, thread) those little screws on the front grill are, for replacement purposes? I lost one. :( And I'd really rather not risk losing the other one by taking it to the hardware/computer/jeweller store with me to try and match it.

Anonymous said...

I successfully upgraded my box using this part.

UK catalogue Crucial part CT25664AA667

Ernesto said...

Works great, less filling!
The Patriot 2GB works just fine.

Unknown said...

Newegg had the 1640! Plus I added a G.SKILL 2GB module.. Performance is a great boost for $90.

Great post.. Thanks for sharing.

ORA said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!! I just did the RAM and the processor upgrades!! WOW!!! What a different both locally and web-wise. A DEFINITE improvement!! Thanks for the info! Great site!!

Un533N said...

Thanks u soo much my friend...
very nice tutorial ^ - ^``

if u need any help in PS3 media server... gimme a tell.
Thanks again `


Unknown said...

Did anyone try other brands of ram other than Patriot and G.Skill? Is there a list on the internet which show which RAM stick is proven to work with the HP Mediasmart Home Server? I tried 1GB and 2GB 667 Rendition ram and BOTH not work.

Alex Woodrow said...

Hi, I just upgraded mine using Crucial 2Gb stick, Not sure if its available outside the UK, but if anybody in the UK is reading I got it from for £30. It makes all the difference to the MediSmart, everything just works quicker, and its a lot quiter as its not constantly thrashing the page file. It also solved a problem I had streaming to my Denon network media device. The instructions are great, but I too wondered how to get the rear screw out before I realised I was undoing the wrong silver scresws

Unknown said...

I meant to post this comment here but put in the virtual memory page instead. I just did the memory install using your instructions and photos. It took 18 minutes from grabbing the box to putting it back in service. I did not have any 'tight screws' problems and no motherboard wiggling was needed. Totally cookbook, no problems at all. I used the 2GB G. Skill memory stick from Newegg, $39. I set Virtual Memory to 3022 min and max. Home Server console login is MUCH faster and all other functions are noticeably faster as well. What was HP thinking with 512MB? I had 480MB available and always had 520 or 580MB required, so it was always page faulting to virtual memory on disk... Not anymore thanks to you!

eidos said...

I just recently purchased a new ex470 and 4 dives of 1,000 GIG. I intended to update the unit’s memory to 2 Gig and ultimately change out the processor. I am just curious as to why HP is so bold to state that any change in the RAM size will void the product warranty. This seems to be contra to every other computer sold on the market where they are stressing the expandability of their computers hardware capabilities.

It appears that they have released a server with a weakness in the operating RAM and yet they threaten anyone who is willing to invest in paying for upgrades and improvements. Does anyone have an idea of why HP is so threatening regarding this matter? Is their power supply so weak that it will not handle hardware improvements? It would seem that a memory upgrade would stop the drives from caching so much and actually reduce drive wear and power consumption.

Efrem Pannell said...

Got a EX470 from ebay, performed the memory upgrade in 20 minutes.

Very good documentation!

Will try the processor upgrade in a couple of months.

Cotech said...

I have carried out the RAM upgrade top 2gb and changed the virtual memory but am having problems. Server keeps disconnecting and can will no longer backup A revision to original 512 cures the problem can anyone help

Anonymous said...

Excelent article. Upgraded the memory using G.Skill F2-5300CL4S-2GBPQ from New Egg and everything is working fine!

Unknown said...

Has anyone tried this with faster memory? I have a stick of Kingston Kingston HyperX KHX3200/1G that I wouldn't mind reusing vs. buying new. (Of course I'd prefer 2GB!)


Anonymous said...

yo.... does either the memory or processor upgrades (or both) decrease the duration (er increase the speed) of massive file moves? because it's taking 48 hours to copy 120gb with a base ex475.

Josh Coen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josh Coen said...

Great post! I upgraded the memory and processor with your instructions i about 30 minutes.

One thing you should mention to all readers:

If you purchase this unit with a HD that you plan on replacing, then replace the drive prior to doing any of the initial software setup. If you don't, then you will most likely end up uninstalling the software and doing a factory reset/recovery on the new drive.

Thanks again for this awesome guide.

Jason Coon said...

Great instructions. I just upgraded my new HP MediaSmart EX470 using a 2GB stick of the G.Skill PC-5300 RAM you recommended (only $39.99 at I've also set my page file to Min and Max of 3024MB. That's 1.5x the 2016MB available (32MB is reserved for the onboard video no matter what you do, which seems odd given there is no VGA connector).

Unrelated, but I also just shared out my Epson R200 printer from the server. It popped up immediately as shared printer on my Wife's XP laptop, I didn't have to add it or search for it. On my Vista x64 machine I had to use the trick of adding a local port to the UNC path of the printer on the server, but it works great.

Leo Canale said...

Great Tutorial! Well written and documented. I do have a suggestion for those like me who have a hard time with the little (your own comments here) black screws. Go to home depot and get 4x3/8 pan socket head wood/metal screws bin/item # 846-221. These are a little tight but they will self tap themselves in, and are easier for future disassembly.
You will also need a yellow #0 Robertson screw driver. Again thanks so much! Leo

Anonymous said...

Great guide, lots of thanks!

Works great with Kingston KVR667D2N5/2G CL5 1.8v 2GB

Tim said...

I just finished upgrading the RAM in my EX470, using a 2GB stick of Buffalo PC25300 and the system is much more responsive.

Unfortunately, it's also much hotter than it used to be. The upper fan doesn't run at all (0 rpm), the lower fan runs at 695-830 rpm, and I'm running temps in the 50-70c range (system 40-55c, CPU 60-72c).

I've re-assembled the unit several times, making sure both fan connectors are fully seated, etc. but even swapping the plugs (with the unit off!) doesn't get the upper fan working any longer. The fan itself seems ok, spins pretty freely when powered off using my finger.

Any help appreciated.

Tim said...

Follow up to last comment from Tim (fan speed/temperature)

Two items:
1) The lower fan is now kicking up to almost 1100rpm on occasion, keeping the system and CPU both pretty steady at 55c/131f, so the only real worry now is that the top fan still isn't working at all, and that the lower fan still drops down to "yellow" rpm (low-800s) fairly often..

2) I forgot to mention initially that I tried replacing the CPU with a 64x2 BE2350 (45w/2.1GHz dual core) that I had lying around. I replaced the stock CPU when the system failed to boot (status indicator blinking blue). Just a touch of Arctic Silver 5 after cleaning both the CPU and the heatsink.

Tim said...

Final update - CPU's gotten as high as 88c and the lower fan is staying under 800rpm, so I placed the original RAM and called HP. They're sending me a new chassis (everything but the drives). Apparently it's not an uncommon issue, although more common is a sensor issue mis-reporting temps and fan speeds. My box gets WAY too hot to the touch (past "too warm") and I can feel no air coming from the top fan, so it's definitely not the sensor.
Will be updating the RAM only in the new box, guess I have to be more careful in disassembly next time.

ajerez30 said...

After a successful upgrade of my HP - EX470 memory with Crucial 2 GB 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM 667 (PC2 5300), the server is working fine and I also notice some improvement on performance, however under Settings/ Resources only report 479.45 instead the 1.97GB of RAM that is supposed to report. Any advise about this issue will be appreciated.

100nikz said...

I just did my upgrade to G-Skill 2Gig and new 2.2 processor and everything went perfect. I'm not new to building PCs , but still like to follow the instructions since someone already did it and it's proovent that it works - great set of step-by-step intr. , great supporting site.
My upgrade took little over 30min thanks to the top screw that I stripped even with the required screw driver. I just used a new , small drill bit and drilled the head of it. Now , instead of screw in the top part of the face plate I have a pin that fits in the hole. It works perfectly even with the bottom screw attached only.
I still have a question - some how I have a hard time to find where the settings for the paging file are , so I can change mine.
Any info will be gratly appreciated.
Thanks again for the excellent info in this site.
Best regards,100nikz

100nikz said...

Going back to read more from the instructions, I have to come back and post a correction to my previous post - I didn't get it that Donavon was talking about jumping up the size of the virtual mem. on your PC , not on the Server...
Sorry, I got it now. BTW, myne was set to the required numbers anyway, about 3 years ago , when I slapped XP Pro on it.
Thanks again for the detailed info!
Best regards, 100nikz.

Unknown said...

Good info, thanks.

Kronos said...

I tried upgrading my RAM.. and it worked, but the system HD light was constantly purple.

Reverting back changed everything.

Anyone have any ideas about this?


Kronos said...

Totally weird. I just tried installing the memory again, and it works fine now. Everything is in the blue. Perhaps it was because I added two HD's and the memory at the same time?


AdaBuck said...

I upgraded to 2GB Patriot, but see not real performance difference. I am under MS Beta test for PowerPack/build 1800, but don't think that should make a difference, as I am now on the publicly release PP1. Any ideas why I don't see a difference? Drives still thrash with what seems like constant rebalancing.

strys said...

Thanks for posting with so much detail!

I have another question for you - my PSU just died and seeing as I am based in Singapore HP Support don't want to ship a replacement accross.
How would I go about replacing the PSU? Would I be able to pick up a replacement PSU somewhere?

diego said...

Excellent guide!!!

On my case, I went with a hammer and a screwdriver on those F. screws!! My patient run off!!!!

WESH UK said...

Hey Donovan

Fantastic blog mate, great work...

I went ahead and did both the memory and CPU at the same time, getting both from ebuyer for £60 and the whole job took 30 minutes max, it was a breeze.

Cant believe HP thought it was acceptable to ship such an operating system with half assed hardware to back it up..

I knew something was wrong though right from getting it all going purely because of how painfully un-responsive and sluggish the server is (EX470), it was practically un-usable..

The only difference i'm seeing now is that the remote desktop log's in REALLY quick, the home server console actually responds now instead of just crashing, indexing files is obviously faster, especially now the first 500GB drive is full and the CPU temp is up by only 2 degrees from 36 to 38 average, but system temp is down quite a bit too, probably as the hard drive isnt going ballistic 24/7 with such a small page file...

Thanks again...

KansasA said...

HP has changed it tune and now is allowing you to upgrade the ram without voiding your warranty :)
You can read about it here:

jbedoya said...

Will DDR2 667Mhz 5400 memory work on EX470?

WGS forum mention that, but has not find suecess stories.

Unknown said...

I cannot get PC2-5300 here but only PC2-6300. Would this work also on theEX470/475?

Lorkster said...

Has anyone tried with Kingston memory? It's the only one available here, but it keeps giving me permanent red lights for the disks.

trailway said...

I bought the G.SKILL memory and followed the directions with absolutely no problems. Many thanks!

Lowes sells a Kobalt 8 in 1 screwdriver kit for $5.98 that has the sizes you need. Good luck!

D.C. said...

There's a great video walk through of this procedure over at

Wish I'd watched it as I removed the two screws on the MoBo not the Power Supply and spent about fifteen minutes trying to yank out the MoBo before realizing I'd pulled the wrong screws!

jbeechii said...

Ive followed these instructions to the tee, even went and bought the #00 screwdriver - Wow that made it much easier.

My problem now is when I put it all back together i get nothing.

The Health indicator light blinks red/purple and thats it.

Anyone have an idea what that means. It's not even one of the combos of flash in the manual.

Please tell me I did not just brick my little server that I've spend a week putting files on :(

I replaced the memory with Crucial 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) then got the red/purple flash. At the same time I added 2 new drives.

I did label drives as I took them out to make sure I put them back correctly.

Any help or leads would be Greatly appreciated!!

The Swartz said...

WOW Thanks! Perfect instructions, I only got stuck on taking out the wrong screws on the motherboard (like someone else). Took me a few minutes to realize...

Let me say, I have seen people ask "Why should I do this?" or "What benefit is there?". I will absolutely avoid details and just say, Oh My God... Why did I not upgrade the RAM as soon as I took my EX475 out of the box...

BTW - my local Fry's had Crucial 2GB RAM for $45 that worked like a charm!

Good Luck!

Monteroman said...

I bought the G.SKILL memory from NewEgg. The process to put the memory in was exactly as described in this tutorial. You couldn't make it any easier.

The problem I ran into is that the g.Skill memory didn't work in the EX470. I ran into the same problem as another person had where the error light indicator would not come out of "red" and the system wouldn't boot up. I also hit the reset button which flashed 2 red, 2 blue which someone said was bad memory.

I also tried 2 different brands of 1 gig PC2 3200 memory which also didn't work.

At this piont, I'm going to return the g.skill memory and should I try the other memory that was listed here or just give it up?

Is it possible that HP got smart on some of the newer EX470's and this memory upgrade no longer works?

Steve said...

Thanks much for this guide. Did the upgrade with the G.Skill RAM last night at the EX470 is definately more responsive.

Sukh said...

Hi, Thanks for the excellent guide.

My CPU Feedback: Please note I tried the AMD Dual-Core X2 BE-2400 and it did NOT work, have run out of thermal compound so will swap down to LE-1640 tomorrow. Part code tried was ADH2400DOBOX - don't bother trying.

I am based in the UK and Patriot and G.Skill are not the most popular memory sticks in Europe - guys the Kingston part KT667D2N5/2G works just fine. Available loads of places online.

Thanks again


Sukh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
216 Blogs said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I just finished my CPU and memory upgrade. I installed the recommended CPU (1640) and 2gb of Patriot RAM. It took me about 25 minutes.

Now when I start the WHS connection from another PC it's so much faster!

LOL@ the vodka


phloyd000 said...

Thanks so much for the post. I had never done ANYTHING like this before. I had added Ram to a notebook, but nothing like this. In an hour's time, which included 10 minutes of getting thermal paste off of my hands by washing them, taking it ridiculously slow and being utterly careful, and even changing my 15 month old's diaper for 15 minutes, I had installed new ram and the new processor. These instructions are blatantly clear and dummy proof. Wow. This makes a HUGE difference in performance. Thanks again!

By the way, the processor is at Newegg again...and another price drop...$42.99 w/ free shipping...

Brian, San Francisco said...

I just did this and it worked without any problems. The only step that confused me was the one where I had to remove the screws that holds the motherboard. The picture is correct (look for the little red arrows) it's just not clear in the instructions that you will be removing both the motherboard as well as the fan underneath.

Wilco said...

Thank you so much for a great set of intructiosns. It went just as you wrote it up. Now I have 2 wonderful Gigabytes memory on my server to push to the limits.

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

I carried out this upgrade last night, I found the screws holding the motherboard in quite fiddly to get back in - I dropped one into the fan of the PSU, fortunately I got it back out.
Couple of tips;
Put the screw into the hole (for the right hand screw for the motherboard) and then push the PSU and motherboard back into the case and fasen it in.

To get the motherboard out you can also push from the rear of the case on connector where you plug the power cable in.

Daver said...

This tutorial is *awesome*. I got my home server a few hours ago, got it up and running and configured, then turned it off and followed the steps on this page. No problems at all - quite simple, really. I admit I was a bit tentative to do it, but there were no problems at all.


Seriously, WTF... said...

just did this with a 2GB stick of PNY Optima 5300 memory I got form Microcenter for $24.99. works like a charm.
It seems like HP learned their lesson as far as the screws go.
Mine came out really easily.
Good luck everybody.

Shizzz said...

I'll be doing this very shortly to my new unit. Thank you very much

Unknown said...

Hello, I just got a new server and havent modded anything (just stock)

I noticed that my fans are constantly running between 1418 and 1430 rpm .. CPU and System are at 28C.

Is this normal? Shouldnt the fans be running at a lower RPM? The room is at a comfy 71F and the server is not in a closet (yet) and is on my desk.

Unknown said...

WOW... I just upgraded my RAM to 2G. Server is super smooth now...
BTW, I used the following RAM module - Kingston KVR667D2N5K2 - You can get more info here
It comes in a 2-pack though. I still have the other 2G RAM. If anybody here wants it, I can sell it to you for 20 bux + USPS shipping. Let me know.

Andres C. said...

This may be a dumb question, but does it matter what USB port I reconnect an external drive to after the upgrade?

I know internal drives must be kept in the same location, but was wondering if it was the same case with external USB drives.


Andres C. said...

Disregard my comment above, I did it and it worked! Showing 1.97 GB of RAM! Used the G.SKILL 2GB stick that cost me about $28-$30 with shipping from NewEgg.

Ran into a couple of frustating things while setting the front grate back in and also the drive back plane... but it all worked out in the end.

The WHS Console took a while to recognize the server again and that scared me, but I was able to access shared folders and remote control the server, while I was setting the new page file sizes, the WHS Console on my computer was showing a healthy network again!

Thank you very much for the site and the tutorials!

Unknown said...

I have been using the EX 470 for about 2 weeks now. I have no add-ins installed and have not attempted any upgrades to hardware either (RAM or processor). My home network is a fully Gigabit network and yet transfer speeds to the EX 470 are never consistant and always all over the board. It might say 4 KB/s for a bit then say 25 MB/s the next and keep jumping all over the place. Why am I not seeing a fast consistant speed? What can I do to fix this issue or is it because the EX 470 is simply too underpowered?



Unknown said...

Just did the upgrade on my EX470 and it seems like a real server now instead of a hard drive box. Great instructions.

Unknown said...

Just tried to simultaneously upgrade both the processor and the memory. Got the LE-1640 and a 2 Gig stick of Corsair ValueRam 667. Thanks to your amazing instructions, the whole ordeal took 20 minutes. BUT, this machine does not like this memory module. After 20 or so minutes with no response in trying to boot (red status light), I decided to put the HP memory back in. Worked perfectly. So, my news to all of you is--THE PROCESSOR UPGRADE IS A MUST! My system is WAY faster and more responsive with just this faster processor. I had a 1 Gig stick on PNY 667 DDR2 laying around and tried that and...WOW. That stick will stay in until I can get the G-Skill stick you recommend. Moral of this story--This machine is picky on memory--use the recommended module. Peace out and Happy New Year!

tusken said...

I just wanted to say thanks for the detailed instuctions on replacing the ram and the processor. i accomplished both at the same time and there was NO way in the world that i would have been able to do such a task if you hadnt posted this on the interwebs... i very much appreciate it... and your right you do add WOW performance with the memory and processor upgrade!!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Your instructions are the bomb. I was able to rip through disassembly/reassembly in less than an hour with very little diffculty. I'd suggest you recommend a magnetized 0-gauge Philips-head for the front grill. I also figured out--thanks to my non-technical but sharp-eyed wife's advice, that standing the unit on its back to replace the front grill screws makes things a heckofalot easier.

I tried a BE2350 CPU in my EX475 box, but no dice: the unit's rightmost status LED never stopped blinking and the box never finished booting. Replacing the 3400+ put it back to work (memory upgrade went fine, thanks).

Can you suggest other processors to try besides the LE-1640 (and BE2350)? Have your results with the 2300 been uniformly positive?

PLMK and thanks again for such great how-to's!


Check out my site at

David Cantu said...

I just installed a 2GB memory stick (G.SKILL from NewEgg) into my EX 475.

When I rebooted it, the LED light wouldn't turn blue, just remained purple. It then heated up, shut down, and wouldn't boot back up.

I took it apart again, re-seated the memory stick, booted it back up, and it worked.

For those of you that are having problems with your server not booting up after you install new memory, I think the main culprit is not seating the drive back plane properly. I bet that's the main reason that some people's servers don't boot back up after initially taking it apart.

If it takes more than a minute or two for the LED light to turn blue again (and you have to hear your drives churning away), it probably won't boot up. Take it apart again, re-seat the memory AND the drive back plane (the card that you pull out from the back) and I bet that it'll boot up with no problems.

I suspected this as when I initially booted the server up, none of the drive lights in the front of the server case lit I knew that the card wasn't seated in properly.

About those two little black screws in the front--I used a ratchet screwdriver with a #00 phillips head on it. If you use your fingers on the ratchet part of the screwdriver, it'll lessen your chances of messing up the screwheads. I got mine from Lowe's--Lutz 15-in-one PAT No. 6327942.

Øyvind Lundbakk said...

Fantastic article! It worked like a dream. My Homeserver has now got 2 gigs of RAM. Excellent. Thank you very much. Please consider setting up a "donate now" button your site! Best Norway

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent post, the step by step instructions with pics made this pretty easy. The only issue I had was related to heat warnings after the 2 GB was installed. I did take a screen shot of my system health before and after the upgrade. My System temp was showing 60C prior to the upgrade and 61C after, while fan speeds and CPU temp unaffected. Unfortunately, 61C is the warning threshold cut-off and each of my clients started showing network health warnings. I ended up contacting HP, who had me install a add-in patch to "fix" the "redundant" system sensor, which I believe changes the warning thresholds or potentially disables the system alerts all-together.

perry7566 said...

Thanks for the article I upgraded this past week with memory - Crucial Technology CT25664AA667 240-pin DIMM DDR2 PC2-5300 Memory Module purchased from amazon, the pictures really helped. Upgrade was a piece of cake and performance/responsiveness was noticeable, recommend it to everybody.

Unknown said...

Dude these instructions are fantastic. Totally removed any learning curve! ½ an hour start to finish, and no problems whatsoever. System temps are even the same as before. Thanks for a great post!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I used a Crucial "2GB 240 - PIN UNBUFF DIMM 256MX64 DDR2 PC2 - 5300" Memory, as the others mentioned was hard to find in Sweden. I had to drill away one of the small screws since I stripped it. I recommend buying a proper screwdriver if you plan to upgrade!


krichard said...

Has anyone tryed to install a memory stick larger than 2 GB, I'm currently looking at a 4 Gb stick and thinking it would be fun to put in, but im not sure if the system will support that amount.


Wake-Maker said...

Yea..I too was wondering if anyone had put a 4gb stick in.

Buddha said...

I've successfully upgraded EX470 with this 2GB Kingston module: KVR800D2N5/2G.

Thanks for the instructions! The server runs very well. :)

Buddha said...

As a side note, I believe the RAM needs to be able to run properly at 1.8v at the rated speed. Some modules require more voltage, which may not work with this small system and power supply.

Unknown said...

Great walk through for upgrading the RAM on the HP MediaSmart Server! Was able to upgrade my EX470 in about 15 minutes and all worked out great. My server is now working much faster! I used a 2Mb Crucial DIMM (CT25664AA667) from Future Shop (for other Canadians would may be interested, it was only $29.99).

Unknown said...

I had purchased the partiot memory to do the upgrade months ago and the memory was bad, thinking someone returned the memory to newegg. I purchased the g.skill memory and everything is working fine...

I have sql 2005 and visual studio 2008 installed on this server as well as a few enterprise applications. I store backups of software I write on the server and it would be a shame if my laptop bit the farm... and I can test build my applications from visual source save.

two thumbs up!

Unknown said...

I Have successfully upgraded the Cpu and Ram in my server to:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 BE-2400 Dual Core Processor Socket AM2 2.3GHZ 2x512KB 45W.

Patriot Extreme Viper 2GB PC2-8500 DDR2-1066 CL5-5-5-15 240Pin

My Server seems to be a bit more snappy, overheating only an issue if Cpu runs at 100% Load for 10min (cont.)
Idles - temp 24deg. C
Crashes - temp 55deg. C
At least from what i can tell.
** If you plan to load the Cpu find a way to cool it or dont upgrade to the dualcore **
All is well for me though.

Note: Before changing the Cpu must read

Josh said...

Thanks for the post, very simple to do. I too ran into the stripped screw problem. One screw came out easily, the other stripped with less than quarter turn first time. Even had the #00, #000, and #0. Dremel fixed it right up, although I have a small silver scratch reminder. No biggie.

Gr82BaDad said...

The HP EX470 on;ine guide says "Customers should not upgrade beyond 2 GB of memory."

Unknown said...

hey can i put 4 gb ram in hp ex475

Unknown said...

I'm beside myself on this upgrade. I first ordered a 2GB Patriot stick as suggested in this article to upgrade my HP EX470. The home server ran well for a few days. After that the hard drive lights turned off and the health light was purple. I tried reseating the memory, but that did not help. At startup the health led would blink red to say that the memory was bad.

I sent the memory back to NewEgg deciding that it was bad as the old 512MB stick brought the home server back to life. As a replacement I decided to go with the 2GB G.Skill, which is also suggested here.

The server booted fine, but the health led stayed red after the boot. I could login through the remote management pane, but it did not claim to have any issue with the health status (all was green).

The server again shut down after a week. Now it only boots up to the point where the health light is purple and the hard drives do not come on line. I did not check to see the internal temp of the system. Some people here claimed that a patch from HP helped them get past the temp issue, but I'm not entirely sure if that is what I'm dealing with.

I plan to put the 512MB stick back into the system, but would really love to have the 2GB G.Skill stick working as I see the performance difference and would rather not thrash the hard drives with virtual memory R/W. Has anyone else been through this particular case?

Anonymous said...

worked like a charm. Thanks for the post.

Papa Heinz said...

I did it in 20 minutes and everything is up and running. Great job, thanks for sharing. I already ordered the new processor - after that the maschine should rock :-)

Unknown said...

hey I have a problem just bought Kingston KVR667D2N5/2G 2GB RAM but when I put them in my system will not boot. it just continues to flash the blue button system. I have an AMD 2.8 GHz CPU in takes too much power?? to my ram can run

Unknown said...

Did u re-flash the bios, if its a dual core cpu it wont work otherwise

Unknown said...

Mike said...

Just finished both RAM and processor upgrades in 45 mins. Great instructional, thanks!! The Advice to use a #00 Philips saved some aggravation. I have a EX-470 (Purchased 11/08) and the two small black philips screws were not too tight, but I heeded all the warnings to be careful not to strip the screwheads. Used the G.Skill 2 GB ($22.99) and AMD 1640 "Orleans" ($41.99). Got both from NewEgg with the Arctic 5 Thermal paste ($8.99) and the Paste remover kit ($5.99) +Shipping = $88.58 Rebooted without a hitch and the server is running much faster. Made the Page File Size change suggested. Thanks again!

soundbyte said...

This was one of the easiest upgrades I've ever done. Just went with the ram...intructions were so easy to follow. Was up and running again in no time. Noticed instant improvement in performance. Thanks for this!

Rob Oliver said...

Just did this upgrade and noticed a significant improvement in server responsiveness. The WHS console is quite snappy now!

Admin said...

Hi Donavon,

I just finished installing 2GB of ram based on your excellent description.
Pages like this one is what makes the internet so great! Thanks a LOT.


Unknown said...

I just did this upgrade, and it really improved the performance of the server. Thank you very much for posting this great upgrade guide!!!

Anonymous said...

I went for the memory and cpu upgrade. Did the memory first, and it worked, then I took it apart again and did the cpu upgrade. Put it back together and it cut off after about a second. Any suggestions on what the issues might be? Hoping I didn't fry the mobo, but if I did, any chance being able to use this homeserver again?

Layne said...

I tried this. I can honestly say now that I can take this server apart and put it together in my sleep. Anyway, for some reason it didn't take. It won't boot up with the 2GB upgrade. It gives a solid pinkish health light, and never moves beyond it. It never lights up the drive lights. I put back in the 512MB stick and the thing booted up just fine. I tried hitting the status button wouldn't respond either.

Rob said...

It appears HP has done the work for us with the new EX485: 2GB DDR2 DRAM. Right?

Andres C. said...


Yes and no. While the new EX485 does have 2GB RAM already, there other changes that may or may not make a difference on what route you want to take as far as going with either the EX470/5 or EX485/7.

The biggest one I can think of, from what I read since I do not use this feature (yet), is that the new 480/5 does not support eSATA multipliers while the 470/5 does.

So if you are planning on expanding that way, it may be a game changer.

There are some good reviews, comparisons, and info out there on, and here.

I followed this walkthrough to the letter and had no issues at all upgrading my EX470's RAM to 2GB.

Darien said...

No problems installing the 2gb mem and what a different in performance even in something as simply as navigating through the console.


Unknown said...

Great Job 2 GB Patriot was painless to install thank to great, clear directions. Made reponse much snappier

Anonymous said...

Just tried 2 different brands of 2gb PC2 - 5300 667mhz memory sticks and both failed. Seems this upgrade must only work with the Patriot and Kingston sticks mentioned above. I've replaced the original memory for now...

Unknown said...

Installed 2 GB Patriot PC2 5300 667MHz CL5 - $25.99. These instructions are fantastic. I was able to remove the two very small Phillips screws holding the Front Gate (instruction #10) by using a needle nose plier to loosen the screws before using the #0 Phillips screwdriver. I replace the original screws but did not tighten them very much.

The WHS booted right up and I reset the Page Files. I did not want to make two major changes at once. My next project will be to upgrade the CPU using your instructions.

Donovan, your contribution of this guide goes 'above and beyond.' Is there anyway to contribute $$ for your time?

Thanks, so much!!

Dtrini said...

Hello, Canada Computers recently had a 2GB stick of Crucial Value Ram on sale so I decided for $35, it was worth trying it out. It worked like a charm and no hiccups since I fired the WHS back up. Thanks so much for the very clear, easily understood instructions. When I decide upon and find a suitable CPU replacement, I will attempt that upgrade as well. Great site.

Dtrini said...

Oops. Correction to my previous post. The ram is from Corsair, NOT Crucial as I stated before. Here is the link anyhow (went up $5 from when I bought it).

Unknown said...

I should have done this MONTHS earlier. What a huge difference

Thanks for this guide, very appreciated.

(Now if only I could tone down the noise of the NAS :( )

PPF said...

Have RAM prices increased recently?

The G.SKILL 2GB module mentioned above as costing $22 is now showing as $36...

Anonymous said...

*UPDATE* from previous comment AUGUST 16, 2009 3:16 PM
Just fitted a 2gb stick bought from the UK Crucial Memory site...
...and it works perfect. WHS Console now functions A LOT faster (as fast as I hoped it would work out of the box to be honest) well worth the upgrade for £30 - recommend you do it now if you haven't already

Anonymous said...

I tried upgrading the memory using the G.SKILL 2 GB module. The install worked fine, but it make the server unstable. The system would reboot 2 or 3 times a day. After a week I went back to the original memory.

Brahm said...

Just completed this upgrade in about 20 minutes and the difference is AMAZING. Clicking from the different options (Computers & Backup to User Accounts, for example) takes ZERO time when before there was some considerable lag. I am about to update the page file and I'll be good to go. I appreciate how thorough your tutorial was!

Amit said...


Which memory did u buy? From where & how much? don't want to take chances if it worked for you

Jason McHugh said...

It also took me about 20 minutes to complete this, but got a hardware warning that my fans weren't working properly once I started it back up. It may have been because I was blowing air into my server to clean it as I was taking things apart. Regardless, I turned it off, re-seated the fan connectors, and powered back on. Things seem better now and my EX470 is running great. As others have said, the sluggishness of the admin screen goes away once this memory is installed.

I didn't feel like waiting for any delivery, so I went to Best Buy and purchased Kingston memory (KRP5300/2GR) since this is all they had in stock of this type of memory.

Now I'm just waiting for HP to release the v3.0 software for this machine.

JP Hebert said...

Hi all,

I followed the steps described for my EX475 and can't figure out where I goofed. I got the 2gb Crucial as listed in the instructions and it's not working, so I swapped back the original 512mb and still no go.

Here is what is happening at boot time:
- All 4 HD lights turn on RED and never leave that status
- The activity status light starts blue then turn into a blinking red.

I'm sure its something I missed but after re-doing the work 3 times I can't figure it out and hope I did not damage anything.

Please advise - your help is very much appreciated.

AdaBuck said...

Are you certain that you kept the order of the drives correct? I'm not an expert, but if I were you, I might try power down, change lower (system) drive to one of the other three above it, and power up. I would repeat this to see if maybe I got the order wrong. I would assume that if the system drive was somehow moved from the lower position to one of the others that it would certainly cause issues.

mjdj1999 said...

Looks like your RAM for $22 just went back up to $48

Unknown said...

Thanks, Donavon! This set of instructions is still paying dividends. I just upgraded my aging ex470 using a spare 1GB stick of RAM I had laying around. Took 20 minutes tops, and the improvement is very noticable.

Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your great instructions, I followed the steps and they were exatly as you described. I had a hell of a time putting those teeny weeny front panel screws back in, anyone attempting this might want to use a magnetic Phillips screwdriver (mayhe the one you recommended is one?). Thanks again!!

Fernando said...

Excellent instructions. 32 minutes from shutdown to resources screen displaying 1.97Gb RAM. WHS much peppier now. Thanks!

Benedikt285 said...

I tried to upgrade using a Kingston KVR667D2N5/2G Module but it doesn't work. After restart the drive lights stays read and the helth status led stays purple.
Everythings fine (but slow) now after I reinstalled th original module...
Any input on this?
Lets see what happens...

Unknown said...

thanks for this awesome guide!
It takes me less than 30 min from shutdown the server to bring it back online with 2gb mem!
with this one:
CORSAIR 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5300) Desktop Memory Model VS2GB667D2
for 50$ at

My only regret was not having bought a new processor too.
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

hi im abit late but just wondering which 4gb ram stick would fit the ex470? thanks,


tusken said...

Andy.... yeah you are a bit late... but is the one i have in mine...

enjoy your homeserver...

also is a pretty good site..

Unknown said...

thanks tusken though thats a 2gb stick and im looking for a 4gb stick :P

tusken said...


well let us know how that goes... cause im not sure that 4gb is supported... tho i could totally be wrong.

Jen Latham said...

Well these instructions seem great but I seem to have bad luck.

I originally found and tried this when I first bought my EX470 back in late 2008. Unfortunately, I didn't buy the recommended RAM, tried to save a few bucks, but bought the wrong kind and it didn't work.

I am revisiting this and bought the G.Skill RAM. The system came up, then crashed just after boot (I didn't even have enough time to see the 2GB in the console). I have taken it apart a few times, tried reseating everything carefully, to no avail.

So I just reverted to the original RAM. The disks light red at boot, and the health light gives 5 red blinks, then just blinks blue indefinitely.

Not sure what to do now, very bummed.

Eli Weiss said...

Donavon, fantastic post. One suggestion would be to add the fact that on some units the motherboard is screwed to the power supply so the easiest way to remove the motherboard is to unsrew the two screws of the power supply and ull both out together as one unit. Everything else was easy (except getting those two tiny scews back in)

palmolin said...

Fantastic guide! I used the Corsair ValueRam DDR2 667 2GB, took me 15 minutes. My Ex470 is now much more snappier, and I am happily waiting for my 3.0 software-disks from HP. At last!

jmsstuff said...

Thanks for this and other comments re stripped screws etc. I updated the memory and software to v.3 with no problems at all thanks to you all.

JC said...

amazing! I am barely capable of turning a computer on and i did the whole process in less than an hour.The most difficult part is locating a "00" Phillips screw driver.Thanks!

KA said...

I was ready to through my EX475 in the garbage. Did the memory upgrade and everything is fine now. Works like a champ and connection speed is good!!!

Unknown said...

Great Guide! Even though all the reports I have seen on ECC RAM not working in Mediasmart servers I had an extra stick laying around of 2GB DDR2 PC2-6400 ECC/Registered RAM (half of this kit from Dell - SNPWM553CK2/4G) and thought I would try it.

My Mediasmart server booted up fine and is showing 2GB of RAM.

Anonymous said...

Great guide. Thanks!
Probably saved me a lot of time using this guide :)

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magnus said...

Thanks, great guide worked perfectly!

teeveedub said...

Thanks for a very clear post. I never would have figured some of this out without it.

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