Stuff to pimp your Windows Home Server

Hacking Windows Home Server is a blog dedicated to Microsoft's WHS technology. Brought to you by Donavon West, Microsoft MVP and author of and I'll also discuss the Hewlett-Packard HP MediaSmart Server EX470, EX475, EX485, EX487, the T7-HSA Tranquil Harmony Home Server and any other new Home Server hardware platforms that arise. You can also call this hacking or hackz. In any case I will show you some cool things to make your Microsoft Windows Home Server even sweeter.

A blog devoted to getting the most out of your
Windows Home Server by Microsoft MVP Donavon West.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hewlett Packard Announces Two New MediaSmart Servers

EX470 On Monday HP will announce that they will be shipping two new MediaSmart Servers: the EX485 and EX487. This is probably no surprise to many of you as HP themselves leaked the model numbers about a month ago. They will be shown at CES and MacWorld in early January and will begin shipping on February 1, 2009.

Here's a rundown of the new specs:

  EX485 EX487
Processor Intel 2.0 GHz Intel 2.0 GHz
Memory 2 GB 2 GB
Hard Drives 750GB 1.5TB (2 x 750GB)
OS WHS with PP1 WHS with PP1
Cost $649 MSRP $799 MSRP


The Hardware in the new EX485 has changed somewhat from it's EX470 predecessor. Before I open up the unit and inspect the motherboard, I checked with CPU-Z.

The motherboard manufacturer is listed as a Wistron (same as the EX470) model EX48X with an Intel chipset. The BIOS is from American Megatrends and has a custom HP version number: HPMSS-01.

As you can see from the "Intel Inside" logo pasted to the front of the case, HP decided to abandon AMD and go with the Intel Celeron 440 processor (Conroe-L) running at 2GHz. It's still not a dual core processor, but the Celeron was no doubt chosen for the low power consumption and more than adequate performance.

As far as memory was concerned, HP also went with 2GB of memory right out of the box, giving the WHS all the extra room it needs for memory hungry third party add-ins. A smart choice and one that no one should be surprised to hear.

If you open up the case, the motherboard is laid out pretty much as it was in the EX470, with the processor up front and RAM on the left side (looking from the front). It also has the same CN10 connector as the EX470 and yes, your custom VGA connector will still work.

Click on the image below to view a high resolution photo.


The first thing you will notice about the new machine is the new HP MediaSmart Server tab.

Take a look at the new tab:

As you can see HP has arranged the interface with the navigation area on the left and the larger main pane on the right. You can arrange menu items using the little mouse over arrows or you can drag and drop then into position.

The tabs are:

  • Welcome
  • Server Summary
  • Remote Access
  • HP Photo Publisher
  • HP Media Collector
  • Features for Mac
  • Server for iTunes
  • Server Online Backup
  • TwonkyMedia

Web Interface

HP's Web interface is also all new. If you browse to http://hpserver with your Internet browser, you will see this sparkling new interface.

HP Photo Publisher

The first web application is HP Photo Publisher. it allows you to publish photos from your MediaSmart Server directly to online photo sharing services such as snapfish, flickr, Picasa and facebook. it also allows you to add photos to the built in HP Photo Viewer (more on this below).

Personally, I don't know why HP Photo Publisher is displayed so prominently as a web application. I would think that this would be a utility best run as an Add-in from the Home Server console.

HP Photo Viewer

HP's Photo Viewer is a vast improvement over their last photo viewer offering (which pretty much fell short). This version has a beautiful user interface that you won't mind sharing with family and friends.

The Photo Viewer speeds up viewing of your photos online. When viewing a 5 megapixel image, for example, the HP software uses ImageMagick (open source image software) to transcode the images on the fly and send a smaller version that will be formatted to fit the client's screen.

Web Media Streamer

There are actually several ways to view photos remotely on the new EX48X. The HP Photo Viewer (above) and the Web Media Streamer. The Web Media Streamer is a web application that allows you to access media on your MSS from anywhere on the Internet. It uses a Flash application to view images and listen to your favorite MP3s or non copy protected ACC files (iTunes music files). Because the application is written in Flash, this unfortunately precludes you from streaming your music to your Windows Mobile phone or iPhone 3G. I hope that HP will correct this omission sometime in the near future.

Amazon S3 Backup

The new MediaSmart Server comes pre-installed with cloud backup software that will backup specified folders to Amazon's S3 service.

Mac Users Rejoice

HP has gone a long way to add Mac support to the new Home Server. Although the initial configurations of the MediaSmart Server much be performed on a PC, much of the functionality works on Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

The most exciting Mac feature is the ability to use the MediaSmart Server a Time Machine backup drive. Special client software will allow a folder on the the MediaSmart Server to appear as a USB drive, thus allowing Mac's native Time Machine software to work.

You can also access your MediaSmart Server's shared folders from your Mac and publish photos via HP Photo Publisher.

Note that some features are not available on the Mac including the Media Collector and remote access.

Software Upgrade

Fear not, certain aspects of the new software will to made available to install on your existing EX470 via an HP update. This includes the Amazon S3 backup add-in and Time Machine backup. A specific timeframe has yet to be announced, but it will probably coincide with the February 1st launch of the new hardware.

Bottom Line

The new HP MediaSmart Servers are a giant step forward over their first generation offerings. The new user MediaSmart Server tab on the Home Server Console is a nice addition as are the new custom Add-Ins and web software. Mac Time Machine support will make many "split households" very happy.

HP's Windows Home Servers continue to be one of the best in the market, but the question that everyone is going to ask is this: If I already own an EX470, is it worth upgrading? For current EX470 users, I don't see a compelling reason to upgrade as many of the new features can be installed on your current system. (Don't you feel great about your $299 HP EX470 purchase now!)

First time buyers (on the other hand) will be extremely happy with the power and custom features of the HP MediaSmart Server EX485. I highly recommend it.

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Andres C. said...

Great article and summary, I just read about them being released on Engadget and figured there'd be more info here.

I'm very happy with my EX470 upgraded to 2GB RAM, and I'm looking forward to any new features HP may push our way with this release.

BTW, I think there's a small typo on the first paragraph with the model numbers ;)

Once again, thanks for the info!

Jerz said...

Thanks for the info... I just recently discovered the HP MediaSmart server and got it for myself for Christmas and wouldn't you know they come up with an updated version.

I've done the memory upgrade to 2gigs (HUGE improvement) and I'm fixin' to do the LE-1640 upgrade (on order). With that being said is there a hardware advantage with the 2ghz celery processor and new mobo? Doesn't seem to be to me... Anyway for you to do a benchmark comparison?

Donavon West said...

@Andres C. - Thx for mentioning the typo. My wife and I just had a baby on Christmas morning and I'm not running on a full tank.

Anonymous said...

Is there a chance HP will offer the upgraded software versions to previous model owners?

Unknown said...

I have a EX475 with the processor and memory upgrades done. I am excited about the new MSS offerings and was considering upgrading to the newest server and migrating my old server to a different purpose. I know there isn't a great deal of difference between the two, but I am in the need of a proxy/FTP server at my house for other applications and have been looking at what I could use to perform these tasks and I believe my 475 would fit the bill with a 485 taking its place as my home server.

Does any one think there would be an issue re-tasking a 475 with Server 2003 for this purpose? Any ideas on the best way to accomplish this without a monitor on the 475? Or I guess I could just continue to run WHS on my 475 and install the other applications I need to on it since it is based on 2003? Any comments?

Unknown said...

Oh and congrats on the new addition... I have an 11 month old at home and another one due in June, get your sleep when you can... It does get easier...

Andres C. said...

@Donavon West: Wow... congratulations!!! New servers, new baby, life is good! :-D

@onoitsty: From the article...

"Software Upgrade
Fear not, certain aspects of the new software will to made available to install on your existing EX470 via an HP update. This includes the Amazon S3 backup add-in and Time Machine backup. A specific timeframe has yet to be announced, but it will probably coincide with the February 1st launch of the new hardware."


Unknown said...

I am not sure what was said in the last post. Is the software going to be made to port over to the EX470-475?

Andres C. said...

Well... what was said in the post above (mine) was just a quote from the original article.

It clearly says that some of the features may be ported to users of the EX470/5, however; there's no clear date or specifics as far as what will be made available for these users.

It also says that these features will be made available via HP Update.

Andrew said...

The motherboard looks like you can a dual core or even a quad since it's a p35/g31/g35 chipset which support quads and dual cores

Daver said...

Can anyone confirm what Nelson said about the mobo supporting dual/quad core processor upgrades?

Donavon West said...

@Nelson/Dave - The Intel Celeron 440 Conroe-L is a LGA-775 socket processor. However it is a 35W piece. Dual core processors are 65W and quad core runs 95W. They will physically fit, but you will likely run into heat problems almost immediately.

It is rumored that Intel has a LGA-775 35W dual core in the works for 2009. If so, I'll be trying that baby out in a EX485 right away.

SportDuc said...

I've got my current ex470 in a crawl space that is inconvient to access. When there is a power interruption, the only way to restart it is to push the button.

What are the chances that the ex485 will offer better support for a "lights out" scenario?

(My house is small and the heat and noise are disruptive when we let the thing in our living space. I've got a UPS, but it doesn't always last the duration of the outage.)

Mike Rush said...

what would do with a Windows Home Server that's smaller than your sack lunch contest entry

I would most likely disguise the WHS to blend in due to the size or place it under my couch for quietness.

Thanks for the Blog, it was interesting.

Ziv said...

Hi All, First - Great article Thank You! Secondly, is there any way to post a benchmark comparison of the EX48X compared to a memory upgraded / cpu upgraded EX47X?

The cost of a new EX485 for me is slightly higher ($20) than an upgraded EX475.

I know I am losing 250GB however gaining one free slot for adding larger HDD's (gpoing with the EX485).

I am leaning toward buying the EX485. Thus avoiding the upgrade work and gaining an Intel socket (seems safest route for Dual-Core upgrade in the future).

Would love your opinion.

Dr MechEcon said...

another great improvement would be to add RAID5 as the standard option.

if they already do and i am wrong, please let me know! :)

Unknown said...

To address SportDuck's comment, yes the new models fixed the power problem. When power is returned they automatically go back to the previous power state. So, you can keep it buried and forget about it.

Unknown said...

Still waiting for the update via HP that new console plus the photo and media capabilities improvements are a must..

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