The following is an email I received from a reader. It is in reference to my blog post Win one of 10 Home Servers.
Hi Donavon,
I have been reading your blog for a while now and more recently have been posting some comments on the great job you have been doing with the new systems you have been building. Keep up the good work.
I wanted to thank you for the blog post informing your readers about the Intel sponsored sweepstakes “Win A Home Server” during CES Week 2009. My wife Kimberly was notified on January 19th that she is 1 of the 10 winners selected to win a new HP MediaSmart Server with Intel Celeron processor inside. We were not told which model we will be receiving (EX485 or EX487), but the new server should arrive in approximately 30 days courtesy of Intel Corporation.
One of the first things we plan to do upon receiving and setting up the server is a complete backup of the 3 computers we use in our home. We previously had a hard drive failure on a desktop PC that was not backed up and lost everything. Since that time we have been performing periodic backups of user data to a NAS device.
I have been investigating building my own Windows Home Server for a few months. I wanted an Intel processor based system and I am thrilled that the new HP MediaSmart Server will arrive with an Intel processor inside.
If you post this information on your blog, please make sure to mention that my family would like to thank Intel for sponsoring this program and giving us the opportunity to win a new HP MediaSmart Server with Intel Inside.
No problem Chris, but don't you think the "Intel Inside" part in the last sentence is maybe a bit too much? Ok, ok. I guess if I'd just won a cool new MediaSmart Server, I'd be shilling for Intel too. :)
Congratulation to your and your wife Kimberly! I feel like one of those Quickie-Mart owners who sold the winning lottery ticket!
Congratulations Chris and Kimberly! You too Donavon for that matter, you did sell the winning lottery ticket. I've got my name in for one of the ones HP is giving away and I only knew about because of you Donavon, for which I say thank you for the heads up. Now with your little Blog ticker Gadget running at the top of my Windows 7 desktop I never miss and update. Windows 7, WHS and Home Server what a great combination!
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