Stuff to pimp your Windows Home Server

Hacking Windows Home Server is a blog dedicated to Microsoft's WHS technology. Brought to you by Donavon West, Microsoft MVP and author of and I'll also discuss the Hewlett-Packard HP MediaSmart Server EX470, EX475, EX485, EX487, the T7-HSA Tranquil Harmony Home Server and any other new Home Server hardware platforms that arise. You can also call this hacking or hackz. In any case I will show you some cool things to make your Microsoft Windows Home Server even sweeter.

A blog devoted to getting the most out of your
Windows Home Server by Microsoft MVP Donavon West.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kindel in his own words: "Passing the Torch"


Charlie Kindel (Windows Home Server General Manager) is quoted on his very public Facebook page as saying:

Jan 26, 12:12pm: Charlie is in big meetings all morning.

Jan 26, 10:25pm: Charlie says about his new group: "Oh my God, it's full of stars!". Terry, Joe, Henry, Darren…

Jan 26, 6:00pm: Charlie is about to announce something big. It's _wonderful_ (imagine Dave at the end of 2001).

Jan 26, 7:34pm: Charlie could tell you about it, but then he'd have to kill you.

Jan 27, 7:24pm: Charlie is passing the torch.

So there you have it, Charlie Kindel's own status updates on Facebook confirm that he is indeed leaving the Windows Home Server team to join Windows Mobile (OK, that part is not specifically confirmed). Congratulations Charlie and good luck on what is likely to be an exciting new road for you.

Oh, the Terry above is Terry Myerson from Exchange, Joe is Joe Belfiore from the Zune and Darren is Darren Laybourn of Outlook Mobile.

Who is Charlie passing the torch too? When Michael Jordon retired (no, not the first time or the third time but the second time) he symbolically "passed the torch" to Kobe Bryant. Who is Charlie's Kobe?

And again, where does that leave our precious Windows Home Server? As someone put it to me just now:

I think Charlie's "passing the torch" update says it all. WHS has a future!

Still digging…

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johncz said...

I understand why Joe (Zune, Media Center) moved over...they are working hard to expand Zune services to Windows Mobile.

Charlie was probably drawn by the lure of units sold in the millions and getting some exposure to consumer services. Not a bad career move after the highly regarded launch of Windows Home Server.

The downside to Charlie's move is the WHS group is now without a leader with established OEM relationships and industry respect. Sure, I know its a team effort. But you also need a strong leader. WHS group would be wise to put out a press release.

johncz said...

btw, great job with site revamp.

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