The brand new HP MediaSmart Server EX485s are beginning to appear on showroom floors everywhere. But who has the best deals? Here are some of the places offering the EX485:
HP is selling the MedisSmart Server directly for $519 with free shipping. You MUST enter coupon code SV2132! (Note that you will have to pay sales tax) more info | |
Newegg also has the EX485 for $549 and they too will throw in free shipping. Where you're there, why not pick up 2-3 of the Western digital 1TB green drives (see special $10 off offer). No sales tax in most states! more info | | still has the EX4985 on "pre-order" status, but it is also $549. more info | has it too at $591 + $17 shipping and claims the list price is $708 (which it is not). also has it at $549, but is showing sold out.
If you know of any good deals on the MediaSmart Server, comment and let other know!
I ordered from Newegg this morning. Along with 3 1TB drives (had two open two new accounts to get the $10 off). This morning Amazon was showing price of more than 549 (around 556 I think).
HP has to charge sales tax everywhere. Newegg doesn't in MO.
@David - good point on the HP vs. Newegg thing. has it for $549.99 same as Amazon but with $30 shipping and available now. Not a great deal but I have about $140 in gift cards from Christmas I am considering using...
I ordered 1 from newegg the other day which is scheduled to arrive Thursday. Donavon, what addins would you suggest that are a must & low cost...FREE.
I purchased my EX485 last week from HP for $467 + free shipping + tax using a coupon code. Alas, that deal is gone... but...
You can still get a EX485 for $519 + free shipping + tax by going to:
and using SV2132 as the coupon code. Note that this code may change every few days.
Found my deal on, the latest was on a comparison pricing site called
@Gordon - Thanks, I've updated the [pst to include the coupon code.
@Rod - Grab Disk Management right away and if you have a UPS, use Grid Junction.
HP Home out of stock as of today :(
What about for us poor people down under in Australia. I am hanging for the new HP MediaSmart Server's. We have to build our own WHS units.
"EX485s are beginning to appear on showroom floors everywhere"
Everywhere except Europe and Australia.
America is not "Everywhere"
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