It sounds like watching some show on The Discovery Channel or TLC. Some guy name Bushman decided it was time to retire his old fleet of two old energy hogs and move in to the the millennium (computer wise at least) and build his own Windows Home Server.
"But I bought a Kill-A-Watt meter and hooked it up to the stack and saw that I was pulling 380 watts average, and decided that I had to do something to save some money on electricity. Some research on the web brought me to such sites as and, and I decided that I would try the WHS route."
I've been following off and on for about the last week or so and yesterday he finally got everything up and running. I say finally, because Bushman had to jump through hoops to get WHS to recognize his SATA drives properly. I don't want to ruin the ending so head over to his blog and read it for yourself.
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